European Skills Index by Cedefop

Skills indeks graph

The European Skills Index (ESI) is a web tool created by the CEDEFOP which, with the help of interactive diagrams, presents the effectiveness of skills strategies of each of the EU member states in the last few years.


On the European Skills Index (ESI) tool website we will find up-to-date analyses concerning three main pillars of the Index:

  • skills development (education and training activities of the country and the outputs of that system),
  • skills activation (indicators of the transition from education to work and labour market activity rates for different groups of the population), and
  • skills matching (shows, among other things, the degree to which skills have been successfully applied).

The Index presents current data in relation to the "ideal" defined as the highest score achieved by each country over a 7-year period. The ESI tool allows comparison of achievements among countries and also includes brief comments on each of the national skills policies.

For more information about the ESI please visite Cedefop web page:

European Skills Index by Cedefop