The Minister of Economic Development and Technology has included another four market qualifications in the IQS. This time the qualifications are related to as many as four industries: business, marketing, construction and robotics.
Installation of efficient ventilation systems, including fire ventilation
The holder of the market qualification "Installation of efficient ventilation systems, including fire ventilation" is prepared to install efficient general, industrial and fire ventilation systems. Determines the possibility of starting installation of the system on the basis of verification of the completeness of the execution documentation, the compliance of prefabrication elements with this documentation and the state of construction progress on site. Indicates errors in the execution documentation and material shortages that make it impossible to perform installation work.
Modeling and analysing business processes according to Business Process Model and Notation
The holder of the market qualification "Modeling and analyzing business processes according to Business Process Model and Notation" has the knowledge and skills to both interpret and analyse the information contained in business process diagrams created using BPMN, and to prepare or update or adapt to the context of specific organizations actual business process diagrams according to BPMN.
Building and implementing a brand marketing strategy
The holder of the market qualification "Building and implementing a brand marketing strategy" is ready to independently perform tasks in building and implementing a brand marketing strategy. Independently organises the mode of work and takes responsibility for the quality and consequences of the tasks performed. Can act as an independent specialist or as a member of a team dedicated to building and executing a brand's marketing strategy.
Operation and maintenance of robotic workstations
The holder of the market qualification "Operation and maintenance of robotic workstations" is ready to operate and maintain a robotic workstation. Recognises the hazards of work at a robotic workstation and organizes his/her own workstation in accordance with the principles of occupational safety and health and the standards set for the job. Is familiar with the construction of industrial robots, which allows him/her to independently control and correct the work of the robot with the help of a controller. (teach pendant) according to the manufacturer's documentation and standards. Uses technical and service documentation and user manuals in his/her work.
Photos: Freepik