The Ministry of Sports and Tourism has included another four market qualifications in the Integrated Qualifications System. The first one concerns wakeboarding, the second is related to recreational climbing, the third to the popular team sport - handball, and the fourth to Nordic walking.
Teaching wakeboarding
An individual holding the qualification of 'Teaching wakeboarding' conducts the instructional-training process regarding conducting basic wakeboarding instruction on two-tower and multi-tower winch systems as well as behind a motorboat. Is prepared for independent planning and implementation of training in the field of Sports for All programme. Is also ready to prepare learners for participation in basic-level sports competitions. During work, he/she applies knowledge in the field of sports theory, teaching methodology, and the utilization of various instructional resources. While performing activities related to the qualification, he/she ensures the safety of the participants of the teaching/learning process as well as other users of the wake park or body of water.
Providing recreational climbing instruction
An individual holding the qualification is ready to independently provide instruction for individuals who are getting into climbing on climbing walls. During the instruction, he/she imparts knowledge concerning safe equipment usage. Assists participants during the activities, including overseeing the correct use of climbing equipment and belaying. Performs the undertaken actions using knowledge of safety on climbing walls. An individual holding the qualification can move freely on climbing structures.
Conducting the training process in handball
The holder of the qualification "Conducting the training process in handball" is prepared to independently organise and conduct sports training, sports and recreational events and the training process in the field of handball in a manner that ensures participants' safety and the effectiveness of the undertaken actions. Carries out recruitment, primarily from school environments, for participation in sports activities, as well as initial selection for handball sports training, based on the assessment of participants' psycho-physical predispositions. Organises and conducts training-related work in both the long and short term, based on established models. Organises and participates in sports competition, teaches fundamental technical and tactical aspects unique to handball, and selects instructional resources suitable for the group's abilities and the training process's goals. Collaborates with the training group's environment.
Planning and conducting the instructional-training process for Nordic walking instructors
The holder of the qualification plans, organises, and carries out the instructional-training process for candidates aiming to become instructor-lecturers in Nordic walking, in varied terrain and utilising various types of equipment. Demonstrates advanced knowledge in the field of the discipline theory, sports theory, and methodological-instructional issues related to teaching motor skills. Possesses knowledge of the physiological foundations of physical exertion at various levels of health and physical fitness. Prepares training plans based on goals, content, methodology, and forms of conducting training sessions. The holder of the qualification is also prepared for the discipline support activities and is ready to organise and conduct events of a health-recreational-sports nature.
Photos: Kireyonok_Yuliya, master1305, pressfoto, karlyukav - Freepik