Chatbot ZeteRKa is a new tool supporting users of the portal in browsing the Integrated Qualifications Register.
It is found in the bottom right-hand corner of the Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR) page and on each individual qualification information sheet. ZeteRKa was designed to help portal visitors not only learn about the Integrated Qualifications System (IQS) or search for qualifications, but also to encourage them to seek further education or professional development pathways.
Tangible results produced by experts
A chatbot feasibility study was performed under the “Operating and developing the Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR1, 2018-20)” as part of the planning for the next project. It resulted in a two-part document prepared by ThinkIt Consulting, Ltd. Possible variants for implementation were considered by ThinkIt together with IQR1 experts in a series of workshops. After defining the objectives of the future tool and its procurement costs, the concept of a multi-module application using artificial intelligence to understand queries entered by users was outlined.
The commission to build a chatbot for the IQR was one of the tasks of Phase II of the project “Operating and developing the Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR2, 2020-23)”. The firm Emplocity was selected in a tender to develop the application, together with a team of IQR2 experts and a panel of career advisors. The chatbot project was implemented over one and a half years.
What is ZeteRKa ?
ZeteRKa is a tool based on artificial intelligence, offering 4 modules – 4 different experiences supported by the Integrated Qualifications Register. Chatbot provides users with a list of qualifications in several ways as a result of a conversation. Basic information can be obtained about each qualification and the user can go directly to its description in the Register.
ZeteRKa matches qualifications to professional aptitudes
The first chatbot module asks the user to fill out a questionnaire on preferences for professional activities. The aim of the module is to find one or more qualifications where the description of the requirements and skills matches the user’s choices indicated in the questionnaire. The results can confirm a chosen career path in life or suggest other possibilities for further development. The survey consists of 60 statements given in 2 series of 30. The user can agree or disagree with them on a scale of 1–5. After just 30 statements, ZeteRKa can often suggest qualifications to review, but sometimes it needs to get to know the user better and will ask them to complete the survey to the end. The module for matching career preferences to qualifications in the Register is intended to encourage users to search for solutions themselves that are in line with how they envisage their future career development or choose their education path.
ZeteRKa matches qualifications to the filters selected
In the second module, ZeteRKa suggests qualifications that it matches to the filters selected by the user. There are several paths that can be used to look for qualifications:
- I want to study – this path is prepared for people who are thinking about further education;
- I want to choose/change a profession – this pathway will be chosen by people who are considering a change in their own occupation or a new profession;
- I am looking for qualifications – this function offers a search of the Register by key words and phrases entered by the user.
The user can use three filters to receive suggestions about a number of qualifications most suited to their needs and preferences, selected from the several thousand available in the IQR. These include “Skills, qualities and aptitudes”, “Hobbies” and “Sectors and sub-sectors”. The values selected in each category are collected by ZeteRKa for a User Choices Profile. This profile can be downloaded as a PDF file and saved, or one can return to the chatbot using the saved filters. It is important to note that subsequent entries of a conversation with ZeteRKa are only saved in the user’s web browser. This means that when clearing the browser history, both the chatbot conversation and the information collected in the Profile disappear from the browser. The user remains anonymous to ZeteRKa .
ZeteRKa searches for qualifications by keywords
The third chatbot module is a search engine for qualifications in the Register. The user first selects a qualification category based on the description provided. ZeteRKa then asks the user to enter keywords or phrases for the basis of the search. The result of searching through the Register is intended to provide the user with a list of qualifications for further review. The chatbot bases its search on data that is continuously being expanded. If the chatbot is unable to help the user, it suggests sending a message to the point of contact.
ZeteRKa answers questions about the Integrated Qualifications System
The last module designed for ZeteRKa is a knowledge base about the Integrated Qualifications System. Its purpose is to answer questions about the IQS and the IQR in such a way as to bring the idea of lifelong learning and career building to different audiences with the help of reliable tools supported by public policies and systemic solutions compatible with their counterparts in European Union countries.
ZeteRKa supports users
The role of ZeteRKa is to support the various users of the services provided by the Integrated Qualifications System, says Dr Joanna Rabiega-Wiśniewska, an IQR3 expert responsible for coordinating the development of the tool. Our goal is to make it easier for users to search for information about further education paths and the development of professional competences as well as the acquisition of relevant qualifications. The chatbot will be developing together with the Register in such a way as to respond to the current needs of the IQS environment.
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