We have recently concluded the conference "On the Integrated Qualifications System – Not Only in the Context of Development and Technology."
The opening remarks were delivered by Natalia Pawłowska, legal advisor, head of the Qualifications Department at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, and Maciej Tauber, leader of the IQS6 project.
"Today's conference is the outcome of exemplary cooperation between the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the Educational Research Institute (IBE). He who does not move forward, falls behind. Following this idea, development – always and everywhere – is essential for our functioning: our functioning as humans, and the functioning of the concepts we create. The Integrated Qualifications System is thus developing as a system, but its core purpose is to develop us as workers, students, and as human beings. The Integrated Qualifications System is an excellent educational concept, especially for areas and skills that are dynamically changing," said Natalia Pawłowska in her welcome address.
On behalf of the Educational Research Institute, Dr. Tomasz Gajderowicz, Deputy Director of the IBE, thanked attendees for their presence at the conference. "In an era when we often define future competencies as something vague, shallow and frequently set against against specific knowledge, skills, and qualifications, the Integrated Qualifications System is a concrete solution that responds to the challenges. If we talk about the fact that today, as a society, we are forced to change jobs multiple times, then the competency of the future is the ability to learn quickly. The Integrated Qualifications System shows how to confirm qualifications and understand them. The IQS is something real, practical, and concrete in the age of the challenges we encounter," said Dr. Tomasz Gajderowicz.
Following this, Natalia Pawłowska highlighted the key role of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in the development and functioning of the IQS, emphasising that the keys to success are cooperation, reliability, and flexibility.
IQS in relation to the labour market and education in Poland
The second part of the conference comprised three discussion panels, during which various topics were discussed, including the challenges and prospects of the IQS, the interaction between the IQS and the education system, and the quality of validation and the trustworthiness of certificates. The assumptions and potential uses of Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks by various sectors were also presented, along with the results and conclusions from the practical pilot implementation of the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in Construction.
First Panel: "Challenges and prospects of the development of the Integrated Qualifications System"
moderator: Maciej Tauber, Educational Research Institute
participants: Piotr Fałek, Sectoral Council for Modern Business Services Competence; Artur Mazurkiewicz, President of the Association of Health and Beauty Employers; Dr. hab. Tomasz Królikowski, Vice-Rector of the Koszalin University of Technology; Natalia Pawłowska, legal advisor, head of the Qualifications Department at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. inż. Tomasz Królikowski, prorektor Politechniki Koszalińskiej; Natalia Pawłowska, radca prawny, naczelnik Wydziału Kwalifikacji w Ministerstwie Rozwoju i Technologii.
"The panelists clearly indicated that actions to promote the IQS assumptions should continue, and the state's efforts in the area of lifelong learning in Poland should be consistent," concluded Maciej Tauber.
Second Panel: "The future of validation from the perspective of awarding bodies, educational institutions, and employers"
moderator: Dr. Natalia Kopeć-Panek, Educational Research Institute
participants: Dr. inż. Waldemar Kostrzewa, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maritime University of Szczecin; Tomasz Wróblewski, Spatial Modelling Center; Aleksandra Mikicka-Hobgarska, Lower Silesian Business Incubator Association; Edyta Urbańska-Golec, Director of School Complex No. 1 in Wieluń; Edyta Migałka, VCC Foundation.
"Panelists, through their own experiences, showed that IQS and the education system can be complementary. For these solutions to bring the expected effect, both an appropriate educational offer and properly conducted validation of learning outcomes are important," said Dr. Natalia Kopeć-Panek.
Presentation of work results: "Sectoral Qualifications Framework as an IQS tool based on the example of the construction sector"
moderator: Mateusz Przywara, Educational Research Institute
participants: Jakub Kus, vice-chairman of the "Construction Worker" Trade Union, vice-chairman of the Sectoral Council in Construction Competencies; Dr. inż. Krzysztof Symela, director of the Vocational Education and Innovation Management Research Center at the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies in Radom. Kompetencji w Budownictwie; dr inż. Krzysztof Symela, dyrektor Centrum Badań Edukacji Zawodowej i Zarządzania Innowacjami w Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji w Radomiu.
"During the creation of the SQF, the motto 'industry for industry' guides us, which is why we closely cooperate with individual sectors,' emphasised Mateusz Przywara.
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