Summaries of the descriptors for full qualifications offered in the higher education system in Polish and English language versions

Summaries of the descriptors for full qualifications awarded in higher education are being developed by higher education institutions with the IBE (Educational Reasearch Institute) support as part of the “Operating and Developing the Integrated Qualifications Register” project.

In accordance with the Act on Integrated Qualifications System with effect from 2016, all full qualifications awarded on graduation from higher education institutions are included in the system and filed in the Integrated Qualifications Register.

Information on these qualifications comes directly from the POL-on system (Integrated Information System on Science and Higher Education). They have to be supplemented with summaries of the descriptors for each qualification containing basic information about the qualification, a concise description containing a summary of the main learning outcomes (aggregate competence/a graduate profile), as well as information on typical workplaces or jobs in which the qualification may be useful, the relationship of the qualification to various economy sectors and other relevant characteristics.

The summaries meet the requirements set out in the European Council recommendation of 22 May 2017 on the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (Annex VI of the EQF Recommendation), and they can be published on the European Commission portals: “Portal on Learning Opportunities Throughout European Space” (Ploteus) and "European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations" (ESCO).

Below you will find the list of qualifications along with summaries of the descriptors prepared by the higher education institutions which joined the project first. All higher education institutions interested are welcome to join the project. We declare support. For further information concerning the project feel free to contact Małgorzata Gromiec, tel. 22 24 17 135, e-mail: