Work on modern qualifications systems has been conducted throughout the world for many years. From a technical point of view, qualifications registers are tools to support the qualifications systems of individual countries. On one hand, registers enable broad access to qualifications functioning in national education systems, on the other – they support the development of lifelong learning.
In order to ensure the coherence of the work undertaken to promote lifelong learning – including activities promoting the coherence of national qualifications systems developed in the context of national specificities – the recommendation in force on the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning must be taken into account. This document recommends that Member States should "Make the results of the referencing process publicly available at national and Union levels and, where possible, ensure that information on qualifications and their learning outcomes is accessible and published..." (2017/C 189/03, item 6).
This publication presents selected databases or qualifications registers that currently exist in Austria, Croatia, France, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia and Scotland.
PDF version of "Qualifications registers in selected European Union countries" can be downloaded from our Publications section.