So that the shoemaker wouldn't have the worst shoes ... We talk about market qualifications

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We interviewed an IQS expert, Piotr Bordzoł, who is in charge of providing support in the area of describing market qualifications as part of the project to implement the Integrated Qualifications System in Poland. Our interviewee will tell us what exactly his work involves, how the working meetings with stakeholders interested in describing market qualifications are conducted, what is the essence of a good market qualification description and why the description is so important not only at the stage of inclusion of a qualification in the system, but also later, during validation. We will learn what the role and importance of these qualifications is in building systems that enable learning and verification of "skills", the systems that are one of the fundamental conditions for the development of modern society. We also learn why it is a case of a shoemaker with the worst shoes…






How do higher education institutions in small cities support lifelong learning? Why is it worth doing at all?

scrabble g918b35b38 1920Lifelong learning is supported by various entities: educational institutions, training companies, cultural institutions, NGOs. This is also done, of course, by higher education institutions. The Educational Research Institute decided to find out what the role of the latter is. 


jackson sophat TQ3SgrW9lkM unsplash 1This article will discuss the democratization of artificial intelligence (AI) and the dissemination of skills in using it. This is related to the increasingly popular paradigm of creating artificial intelligence, which assumes its close cooperation, or even synchronization with humans. 

Stakeholder involvement and Usability Engineering in App development - the case of App for qualifications development support

hal gatewood tZc3vjPCk Q unsplashApplications created with and for users - about the UX approach to tools based on the example of the NIWUS application to support describing qualifications and assigning the level of the national  framework.

Digital badges for children and teenagers

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This article presents the work on so-called child and youth qualifications in the form of digital badges. The aim of the efforts is to encourage children and young people to confirm their skills and popularise the Integrated Qualification System (IQS) which is based on the concept of lifelong learning.

Good Practices Database: Validation & Quality Assurance

The validation of learning outcomes is an essential mechanism in the Integrated Qualifications System. Only a positive validation result leads to having a certificate awarded that confirms the attainment of a given qualification.