Redesigned Integrated Qualifications Register website features new look and functionalities

955fe10213fe3e5571f24323954a6ce9 logo zsk rgbA redesigned version of the Polish Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR) website was launched. The updated version is more user-friendly and features an intuitive interface, unified colour scheme and a simple menu layout. An English version was added.

Integrated Skills Strategy 2030

education 357pxIn this article, we present the most important information about The Integrated Skills Strategy 2030. Strategy has the status of a public policy in Poland and defines the basic conditions, goals and directions of the country's development in the social, economic and spatial dimensions of a given field or a given area, which result directly from the medium-term national development strategy, i.e. the Strategy for Responsible Development (with an outlook until 2030).

Pedagogical innovation, Lifelong Learning and the Integrated Qualifications System

Flip PRK aut. Agnieszka Wojtal 243px2021 saw, for the first time in Poland, an implementation of a pedagogical innovation concerning the idea of lifelong learning and the Integrated Qualification System.

VET reforms in Poland - major changes, new challenges

w.stechly 228pxThe last ten years have seen major reforms of the Polish VET system: new and revised core curricula based on learning outcomes, introduction of new types of VET schools, upgraded infrastructure, opening the examination system for extra-mural students with previous learning or working experience, strengthening existing institutions for non-formal VET to name but a few. We talked to Wojciech Stęchły (IBE), about the Polish VET system, the Integrated Qualifications Register, the ongoing development efforts, demographic trends and building more life-like models of learning pathways.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) - modern tools for integrating information on qualifications and making it more accessible

m.bedkowski 228pxOver the past two years, the work on developing AI/NLP based applications aimed at supporting users of the Integrated Qualifications Register has been in progress. The applications integrate data from various sources to help search and explore qualifications, and create personalised development paths. We talked to Marcin Będkowski (IBE) on defining goals, dangerous flexibility, latest technology, high expectations, and overcoming barriers.

Regional Qualifications Framework Initiatives Around the Globe 2020 - A Comparative Study

RQF cienAn interesting report - Regional Qualifications Framework Initiatives Around the Globe 2020 - a joint product of 3S Research Laboratory and the European Training Foundation Qualifications Project - was published in February 2021.

Veterans' skills and labour market needs

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A government project has been launched in Scotland - a collaboration between the SCQF Partnership (SCQFP), Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to help veterans make efficient use of the skills they acquired in the military after leaving the service.

Understanding technological change and skill needs - practical guides issued by CEDEFOP


We highly recommend the newly published series of three practical guides issued by CEDEFOP on Understanding technological change and skill needs.

Qualifications Registers in selected European Union countries

Rejestry okladka cien 1This publication is the result of the cooperation of institutions responsible for maintaining and developing databases or registers of qualifications in selected European countries and presents selected databases or qualifications registers that currently exist in Austria, Croatia, France, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia and Scotland.